Our Mission Statement
We are a loving, welcoming church reaching out with the help of God in service to our community and the world.
We are a loving, welcoming church reaching out with the help of God in service to our community and the world.
Call the office to see how you can help...or if you need help.
- Food Pantry-groceries and gasoline assistance to those looking for some help during a time of need
- Nu-Vizion U.C.C. in Toledo- partners in meeting the needs in their community, especially at Christmas time
- 5 for 5 Church-participating in all five of the United Church of Christ special offerings
- Prayer Shawl Ministry- providing shawls with our prayers and love for those suffering
- Housing, Utilities, Building Insurance for: AA Group, Scouts, Community Vacation Bible School, Community Quilters, Lions/Lioness Club, Literary Club, 4-H Clubs
- LOGOS-an average of 23 youth each week enjoy music time, arts and crafts, Bible study, and dinner/dessert
- SARA (Sharing America’s Resources Abroad)- Christmas gifts for an orphanage in Ukraine
- Souper Bowl Sunday- donations go to local food banks
- Personal Health Kits and Disaster Kits-assembled for those in need
- Blanket Sunday- donations go to purchase needed blankets for warmth and shelter
- Community Quilters- 19 years of quilting and 200 quilts just this year for Wyandot County Hospice, Wyandot Memorial Hospital, St. Francis Nursing Home, Fairhaven Community, Wyandot County Nursing Home, Ruffing Family Care Center, and Ne-Vizion UCC
- and more!